Note on the humanitarian assessment mission to the Nuba mountains, Sudan

Yesterday two humanitarian assessment teams returned to Khartoum, Sudan after having completed the first phase of an ongoing inter-agency assessment of humanitarian needs in the areas of the Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan state. During the past two weeks, the two teams including representatives of UN agencies and NGOs visited several locations held by the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement/Army in Heiban and Nogorban counties. The teams are scheduled to initiate on 7 October a similar assessment of needs, for a period of seven to eight days, in the Government-controlled areas of the Nuba Mountains.
These in-depth assessments are to follow-up on the initial findings of the first UN mission to the area that was undertaken in June this year, when the Government of the Sudan consented to UN appeals for access. The results of these assessments will serve as a basis for possible humanitarian operations in the region.