Policy Paper for the 2nd Round Allocation of US$20 Million through the Common Humanitarian Fund for Sudan in 2010


Date: June 2010 (Version 2)


This proposed policy paper outlines the allocation strategy and guidance for the second allocation round of the 2010 Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) for Sudan.

Total donor contributions received as of 31 May amount to US$119.7 for 2010 excluding US$ 12.9 million pledges from the Netherlands.

Based on donors' preliminary indication of pledges, a notional figure of US$112.3 million was adopted for the first round of allocations. The actual allocation totalled US$ 111.7 million leaving about 8.0 million at hand. Of the total, US$ 98.6 million was allocated during the first round standard allocation while US$ 10.6 million was allocated from the emergency reserve. In addition, the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) for Southern Sudan was allocated US$2.5 million from the first round envelope. So far, two proposals with a total budget of US$ 117,040 have been approved from the ERF for Southern Sudan leaving US$ 2,382,960 available for future use.