Ross Mountain, Assistant Emergency Relief Coordinator, rejects allegations against Relief Community

Statement attributable to Ross Mountain, Assistant Emergency Relief Coordinator
I am deeply concerned with the apparent campaign in the Sudanese media against Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS), including misrepresentations of my discussions with senior officials of the Government of Sudan held in Khartoum on Sunday, 30 July 2000. OLS continues to act in accordance with the humanitarian principles of impartiality and transparency in the service of those in need in Sudan. I emphatically reject all allegations to the contrary.

During my visit, I brought to the attention of senior Government officials the security problems that could result from such misinformation and expressed our dismay at recent incidents following the breakdown of the humanitarian cease-fire in Bahr-el-Ghazal that has threatened the safety of humanitarian personnel and relief planes.

Senior Government officials gave assurances regarding their support for UN relief agencies and NGOs operating within OLS and highlighted the importance they placed on continuing the contributions made by OLS to the welfare of affected populations in the Sudan.

OLS was pleased to receive yesterday the clearance from the Government of Sudan for relief flights for the month of August from all OLS bases in Sudan and Kenya.

Operation Lifeline Sudan is the framework through which UN agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations have been assisting millions of Sudanese throughout the country over the past 11 years.

For further information please contact:

Phyllis Lee, 1212-9634832, OCHA, New York
Rosa Malango, 1212-963-2380, OCHA, New York
Donato Kiniger-Passigli, 4122-917-2653, OCHA, Geneva