Statement attributable to Ms. Carolyn McAskie on the Humanitarian Situation in the Sudan

The Emergency Relief Coordinator, expresses her deep concern about the resumed hostilities between the rebel factions and the Sudanese Government in Southern Sudan. The reported fighting around Gogrial in Bahr-el-Ghazal and Mabaan in Upper Nile has caused the displacement of at least 4,000 people. It has also been reported that air raids on Rumbek and other locations in the Bahr-el-Ghazal, Lakes area and Western Equatoria last week, have resulted in the death of three people and the wounding of several others.
These events are of particular concern as they not only bring about further deterioration of humanitarian conditions in the area but also jeopardize the crucial humanitarian cease-fire that both parties pledged to respect earlier this year. The cease-fire is scheduled to expire on 15 July 2000, and the Emergency Relief Coordinator a.i., urges both parties to respect and extend its provisions, in order to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to all beneficiaries, and the safety of civilians and United Nations humanitarian personnel throughout the country.