Statement by the Humanitarian Coordination Forum, on the African Union Peace and Security Council’s Communiqué on Sudan, 21 June 2024


(Addis Ababa, 28 June 2024): The Humanitarian Coordination Forum (HCF) welcomes the Communiqué adopted by the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) regarding the situation in the Republic of Sudan during the 1218th meeting held on 21 June 2024, at the level of Heads of State and Government.

We commend the continued leadership of the African Union and its Member States on peaceful resolutions of conflicts in the African continent. The HCF recognizes the significant impact of the collective weight of Member States in facilitating a negotiated settlement to the conflict in Sudan.
Therefore, we back the call by the PSC for the establishment of a PSC Ad-hoc Presidential Committee towards achieving this goal.

We reiterate the call for an immediate ceasefire as an utmost priority. For the greater protection of civilians, particularly women, children, elderly persons and humanitarian actors, parties to the conflict must comply with international human rights law (IHRL), international humanitarian law (IHL), as well as other international and African conventions, resolutions and policies relating to refugees and internally displaced persons. However, hostilities are continuing and increasing and endangering civilians and hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid, including health and other basic services such as on HIV/Aids to the millions in need.

The HCF wants to highlight the severe food insecurity affecting 17.7 million Sudanese due to the ongoing conflict. Addressing hunger and promoting food security are critical components of our humanitarian efforts.

The HCF also welcomes the commitment of the AU Member States and the PSC, through its Communiqué, to use their influence and leverage to facilitate unfettered humanitarian access, safe passage and safeguarding of humanitarian assets so that civilians are protected from hostilities and have access to life-saving humanitarian assistance, including through all crossline and cross-border routes.

Facilitation from the authorities must be sustained and expanded, including removing bureaucratic and operational hurdles that restrict assistance to those in need.

The Humanitarian Coordination Forum looks forward to urgent and measurable actions arising from the PSC’s 1218th meeting. The HCF further lauds the role of the AU, IGAD and the AU High-Level Panel on Sudan in resolving the conflict and reaffirms its continued support to advocate for the protection and assistance of civilians and the quest for lasting solutions.

Note to the Editors: The Humanitarian Coordination Forum (HCF), comprising of UN Agencies,
International NGOs, as well as the ICRC, and IFRC with observer status, was established in October 2023, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to facilitate coordinated, principled humanitarian action, and contribute to strengthening the African Union’s leadership on humanitarian action in Africa.

For more information, please contact: Misker Getahun, OCHA African Union Liaison Office,