Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan a.i. on the situation in Al Lagowa, West Kordofan State and Wad Al Mahi, Blue Nile State


Khartoum, 20 October 2022: The Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.), Eddie Rowe is deeply concerned about the situations in Al Lagowa, West Kordofan state and Wad Al Mahi, Blue Nile state and is appealing for peace and an end to the violence.

In Al Lagowa, West Kordofan, tensions escalated on 10 October following a land ownership dispute. As violence continues in Al Lagowa and surrounding areas at least 36,500 people have reportedly fled Al Lagowa town. The government’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in West Kordofan reports that so far at least 19 people have been killed and 34 injured during the conflict.

In Wad Al Mahi, Blue Nile, inter-communal violence that spread into Blue Nile’s Ar Rusyaris locality from Wad Al Mahi in July, renewed on 13 October in Dam town 6 (Village 6 and 7). As fighting continues, at least 1,200 people have been displaced and an unconfirmed 170 people have been killed and 327 have been injured. On 19 October 2022, the Governor of the Blue Nile region issued a decree prohibiting the movement of civilians using trucks in the Dam towns 1-7 within Wad Al Mahi locality. This restriction to freedom of movement prevents people from seeking safety and accessing life-saving services, thereby endangering their right to life. “Fighting in West Kordofan and Blue Nile states risks further displacements and human suffering in addition to the almost 65,000 who were already displaced and leaving 149 people dead and 124 injured due to violence in Blue Nile in July 2022. There is also a risk of an escalation and spread of the fighting with additional humanitarian consequences” the Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.) warned.

The Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.) reminds all parties to the conflict to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law (IHL) and ensure the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, including health facilities, schools and water systems.

The Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.) urges all parties to the conflict to enable the free and safe movement of affected people in search of safety and assistance.

The Humanitarian Coordinator (a.i.) reiterates that humanitarian organizations in Sudan stand ready to aid people affected by the conflicts. For this unimpeded humanitarian access is urgently needed.