Statement by Ms. Gwi-Yeop Son, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan, on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, 17 June 2019 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 17 Jun 2019. The Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan Gwi-Yeop Son is deeply concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan and is alarmed by reports of intercommunal violence in various Darfur States, including the recent clashes in Deleij,
Central Darfur, that left 17 people dead and 100 dwellings destroyed.

Ms. Son stresses the importance of an unhindered, principled, and timely humanitarian response across Sudan. She calls on the authorities to facilitate the timely clearance of the importation and distribution of humanitarian supplies, including medicine, as well as the rapid facilitation of administrative procedures for the entry of aid workers into Sudan and internal travel within.

“Half a million people in Khartoum and Darfur are at risk of being affected if medical supplies are not imported in a timely manner. Another quarter of a million mothers, many of whom are young and carry a greater risk of maternal complications and death, are at risk of not being provided maternity services,” the Humanitarian Coordinator warned.

She stresses the need to respect international human rights law, including the protection of health facilities, health professionals, and other aid workers.

The Humanitarian Coordinator condemns the violence related to and following the 3 June attack and expresses her deep regret for the loss of life and injuries amongst civilians. She recalls the recent statements issued by the United Nations Secretary-General, the Executive Director of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the independent human rights experts of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (HRC) and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict who all expressed grave concern about violations of human rights related to the attack.

The United Nations and humanitarian partners provide life-saving assistance to 4.4 million people in need across Sudan.

For further information, please contact the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Sudan (