Statement on South Kordofan, Sudan Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Afffairs Valerie Amos, 21 june 2011

(New York: 21 June 2011): The treatment of civilians in South Kordofan, including the reported human rights abuses and targeting of people along ethnic lines, is reprehensible. We know that more than 70,000 people have been displaced. Many more may have fled from their homes and their condition is unknown. This includes those who have recently moved from the safety of the UNMIS compound to Kadugli town.

We need to see an end to insecurity and movement restrictions, which are continuing to limit our ability to assess the situation, to provide people the aid they urgently need, and to re-supply stocks. The threats to aid workers and peacekeepers need to stop immediately.

I am also concerned that the overall security situation in Sudan is deteriorating at an alarming rate, with severe humanitarian consequences. Civilians are increasingly bearing the brunt of the volatile and uncertain political climate. The conflict has also prevented sowing at the beginning of the agricultural season which will cause food shortages. We could be facing a worst case scenario, with millions of civilians in both North and South Sudan in need of protection and critical humanitarian assistance.

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Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York, +1 917 367 5126, mobile +1 347 244 2106,;
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