Sudan: Clashes in Wad Madani between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) - Flash Update No: 03 (as of 18 December 2023) [EN/AR]



Fighting broke out in the morning of 15 December between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the outskirts of Wad Medani located in Aj Jazirah State 136 km southeast of the capital Khartoum. Airstrikes were reported since 15 in the western, northern and eastern parts of Wad Medani and in the vicinity of Alsharfa Barakat village north of the town. Shootings were heard daily since 15 December in various areas in and outside Wad Medani. As of 18 December,
RSF have reportedly entered Wad Medani town. Clashes remain ongoing. The situation remains tense and unpredictable.

According to the International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), approximately 14,000 - 15,000 people have been displaced from Medani Al Kubra locality. Affected residents have sought refuge in neighborhoods westward of Wad Medani town, as well as other locations in Aj Jazirah, and towards Sennar and Gedaref states. Displacement has also taken place into Gedaref State with the arrival of approximately 1,500 IDPs in Al Fao locality and approximately 3,000 IDPs in Madeinat Al Gedaref.

Shops and markets remain closed since 15 December in Wad Medani. Hantoob bridge in Wad Medani is closed.

The Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) and Health Emergencies and Epidemic Control staff of the Ministry of Health have self-relocated outside Aj Jazirah State and are working remotely to coordinate health emergency response.
The National PHEOC has been operating from Wad Medani town since April 2023.

The local authorities announced a state of emergency and introduced a curfew in Wad Medani (from 1800hrs to 0600hrs) effective 15 December 2023 until further notice. A similar curfew was introduced by authorities in Gedaref State on 16 December and in Sennar State and White Nile State on 17 December.

Wad Medani has served as a hub for humanitarian operations since fighting broke out in April this year between SAF and RSF. This includes warehousing of large stocks of supplies dedicated to response in the state and when access is possible to the capital, Khartoum. Humanitarian organizations have reduced their footprint in Wad Medani due to the security situation. Staff have relocated to neighboring states to be positioned to return to address the increased humanitarian caseload once the situation permits. A suspension of all humanitarian field missions within and from Aj Jazirah State has been put in place as of 15 December until further notice.