Sudan Humanitarian Fund: Guidance Note 2 - How does SHF distribute the funds?


The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC), in consultation with the SHF Advisory Board (AB), determines how the money should be apportioned between these two modalities to best meet humanitarian needs.


Standard Allocation is a process that distributes funds to projects.

The HC uses the Standard Allocation process to support strategic priorities within the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The process is informed by the Advisory Board (AB) and is conducted in close consultation with sectors to ensure the best possible use of resources. The Standard Allocation is issued at least once a year.

The process has several steps to ensure funds are distributed transparently:

• The Standard Allocation begins with a strategy called an allocation paper. SHF partners are invited to submit proposals.

• Proposals are processed by sectors through a strategic review and a subsequent technical and financial review.

• Final approval is provided by the HC.

The projects last for one year.