Sudan Humanitarian Fund: Guidance Note 3 - Standard Allocation



The Standard Allocation (SA) is one of the two fund allocation modalities of the SHF. The SA funds the priorities outlined in the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).

The Standard Allocation is issued at least once a year through a call for proposals open to all SHF partners. The Standard Allocation assures transparency of the allocation decisions.

The Standard Allocation begins with an allocation paper. Proposals are processed by sectors through a strategic review and a subsequent technical and financial review. Final approval is provided by the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC).

Projects funded through the Standard Allocation should be implemented within 12 months. Exceptions can be made by the HC when more time is needed to meet programmatic requirements. The grant ceilings are defined based on the partner risk level and project duration.

Key points

Funds projects in the most vulnerable localities (as identified in the HNO) in as many states as possible. States frequently facing emergencies are prioritized. Some of these projects will then have the ERRM contingency budget lines.

  • Focuses on underserved emergencies and newly accessible areas.
  • Focuses on underfunded priorities.
  • Focuses on life-saving humanitarian interventions as identified by the HRP.