Sudan Humanitarian Fund: Guidance Note 5 - Emergency Rapid Response Mechanism



The Emergency Rapid Response Mechanism (ERRM) is a fast-tracked funding mechanism in the Sudan Humanitarian Fund.

SHF selects projects managed by partners able to respond quickly to newly emerging needs in the relevant sectors. If the partner accepts, a contingency budget line is included in the SHF project which can be accessed through the ERRM approval process. Such an approach bypasses the time-consuming processes of setting up new agreements.

Within three days, funds can be available to respond to newly emerging or deteriorating humanitarian needs. As an initial life-saving response mechanism, it serves to bridge the period between the emergency occurring or deteriorating and the setting up of a robust humanitarian response.

Depleted ERRM budget lines can be topped up from SHF pipeline funding through a budget extension.

Key points

  1. New or deteriorating emergencies
  2. Critical, lifesaving humanitarian interventions
  3. Timely first response – within a week
  4. Health, Shelter/NFI, WASH
  5. Straightforward interventions
  6. Short duration