Sudan Humanitarian Fund: Guidance Note 6 - Emergency Response Prepositioned Stock



The prepositioned stock enables a fast and effective humanitarian response. SHF maintains a stock of essential, life-saving emergency supplies (NFI, WASH, health, GBV) for distribution in new or deteriorating emergencies, which can be accessed by SHF partners implementing Emergency Rapid Response Mechanism (ERRM) and Reserve for Emergency (RfE) interventions in the targeted area. As such, the SHF covers a small portion of the overall stock being prepositioned in Sudan. The SHF stock serves to cover the needs in the first few crucial weeks of an emergency.

SHF initiates pipeline funding to replenish the stock at risk of being depleted. It does this by effective stock management and by reviewing how long it takes to procure new stock.

Around 15 per cent of the SHF fund is allocated for prepositioning.


The SHF covers the prepositioning of lifesaving emergency items in the health, Shelter/NFI, WASH and GBV sectors.

The sector coordinators identify the items included in the prepositioned stock projects, estimate the unit costs and the procurement lead times. The project budget covers warehouse and transportation costs to the distribution sites.

Projects covering prepositioning of stock, not linked to early emergency response interventions, can be funded through the standard allocation. They do not benefit from pipeline funding and are not exclusively linked to ERRM or RfE projects. They are open to all sectors and have to remain within the allocation criteria of the standard allocation. These projects are not covered by this guidance note.

Prepositioned items

S/NFI: NFI kit (including kitchen set).
WASH: WASH hygiene family kit, Water purification tablets, Soap, water jerrycans.
GBV: Dignity individual kit.
Health: Emergency health kit, trauma and emergency surgery kit, integrated management of childhood illness medicine kit, reproductive health kit.