Sudan Humanitarian Update (14 January 2024) [EN/AR]



  • More than 7.4 million people have been displaced inside and outside Sudan since fighting broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces on 15 April 2023.

  • The number of people displaced in Sudan has increased by about 611,000 over the past month, mainly due to the conflict-induced displacement from parts of Aj Jazirah and other states.

  • The expansion of fighting between SAF and the RSF into central and eastern Sudan—the country's most important regions for crop production—has driven a significant increase in humanitarian needs during the harvest season, according to FEWS NET.

  • Insecurity, looting, bureaucratic impediments, poor network and phone connectivity, lack of cash, and limited technical and humanitarian staff are affecting the delivery of humanitarian aid in many parts of the country.

  • The 2024 Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan appeal is 3.1 per cent funded as of 14 January 2024.


Almost nine months after the fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted on 15 April 2023 in the capital Khartoum, more than 7.4 million people have fled their homes, taking refuge inside and outside Sudan, with children representing about half of the people displaced. Sudan is now the country with the largest number of displaced people and the largest child displacement crisis in the world.

According to the International Organization for Migration Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM) Sudan Weekly Displacement Snapshot (16), more than 6 million people have been displaced within Sudan, increasing by an estimated 611,000 people over the past month mainly due to new displacements from Aj Jazirah and other states since 15 December 2023. IOM DTM reported in its update on Aj Jazirah State displacement that about 509,800 people were displaced by fighting in Aj Jazirah. About 205,500 of them were displaced in other safe locations within Aj Jazirah, and another 304,336 IDPs fled to other states across Sudan, including Gedaref (64,551 IDPs), Sennar (60,000 IDPs), Red Sea (50,035 IDPs), White Nile (40,750 IDPs), River Nile (30,000 IDPs), Kassala (30,000 IDPs), Blue Nile (15,000IDPs), and Northern (14,000 IDPs) states.

The 6 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sheltering in 6,282 locations across all of Sudan’s 18 states, an increase of 343 locations over the past month. The highest number of IDPs were observed in South Darfur (12 per cent), East Darfur (11 per cent), River Nile (11 per cent), Aj Jazirah (8 per cent), White Nile (8 per cent), and North Darfur (8 percent). IOM DTM field teams report that the IDPs were originally displaced from 12 states, the majority of whom (about 3.7 million people or 61 per cent of the total displaced) were reportedly displaced from Khartoum State, followed by South Darfur (15 per cent), North Darfur (8 per cent), Aj Jazirah (5 per cent), Central Darfur (4 per cent), West Darfur (3 per cent), and the rest in other six states. In addition, more than 1.4 million people have crossed into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023, according to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Expanding conflict and displacement drive even higher needs during the harvest – FEWS NET

The expansion of fighting between the SAF and the RSF into parts of central and eastern Sudan—the country's most important regions for crop production—has driven a significant increase in humanitarian needs during the harvesting season (December and January), reports FEWS NET. This development is expected to lead to considerable deterioration in acute food insecurity in the southeast from what was previously expected, worsening an already dire situation, according to FEWS NET’s Sudan - Food Security Outlook Update. Widespread Crisis (IPC Phase 3) levels of food insecurity are expected across much of the country, with Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes expected in the heavily conflict-affected urban areas of Khartoum, greater Darfur, greater Kordofan, and parts of Blue Nile states. Of highest concern are populations in parts of Khartoum, Ag Geneina, Nyala, Wad Madani, and among the displaced due to the impact of intensive fighting and disruption to humanitarian assistance.

Impact of conflict on civilians

In South Kordofan State, clashes renewed on 7 January between the Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement-North (Al- Hilu faction) and SAF against the RSF in Abu Zaid and Al Matar neighbourhoods of Dilling town, South Kordofan State. The incident follows previously reported clashes on 9 December 2023. IOM DTM field teams reported that 2,840 people were displaced and sought refuge in Khamis village in Dilling locality following the clashes, while about 320 newly displaced people arrived in Dibebad town in Al Quoz locality in South Kordofan.

In North Kordofan State, tensions rose on 3 January between the RSF and Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement- North Al-Hilu faction in Broka village of Ar Rahad locality, reports IOM DTM. As a result, about 430 people (86 families) were displaced and are taking refuge in Al Huda, Al Safa, and Al Shati’ neighbourhoods in Ar Rahad Town as well as in Aradeba, Tendalti, Umm Habila and As Sawani villages in Ar Rahad locality. The situation remains tense and unpredictable. There are 137,300 IDPs in North Kordofan State post-April 2023, according to IOM DTM.

On 8 January 2024, armed clashes renewed between the SAF and the RSF in El Obeid town, the capital of North Kordofan State. Clashes were reported in southern neighbourhoods of El Obeid town. While no civilian displacement was reported, the situation on the ground remains tense and unpredictable, IOM DTM reported.

In North Darfur State, clashes between SAF and RSF renewed on 9 January at the Melit checkpoint in Al Fasher Town, Al Fasher locality. IOM Field teams reported that approximately 250 people (50 families) were displaced from Abu Shock and Al Salam IDP camps to neighbourhoods in the west of Al Fasher Town. The situation remains tense and unpredictable.