Sudan: Joint press advisory on the first meeting of the Strengthened High Level Committee

Khartoum, 7 May 2009 - The High Level Committee, strengthened following Ministerial Decree No.4 of 2 May 2009, today held its first meeting at Friendship Hall, Khartoum. The meeting was co-chaired by H.E. Mr. Haroun Lual, Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and by H.E. Mr. John Holmes, Emergency Relief Coordinator and United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. Other participants included Presidential Adviser Ghazi Salah Eldeen Atabani, senior officials of the Government of National Unity and from the international community US Special Envoy, H.E. Mr. Scott Gration and ambassadors of AU, LAS, China, Russia, UK, EC.

The meeting was constructive and marked a 'new beginning' in the dialogue between the Government of Sudan and the international humanitarian community. Committee members appreciated the Ministerial Decrees and steps already taken by the Government and emphasized the need for joint efforts to address humanitarian issues, for a predictable, less bureaucratic, more accountable and efficient aid system in Darfur, and recognized the critical need to create conditions for humanitarian workers to deliver assistance in safety and security.

In addition to welcoming the new strengthened format of the HLC and expressing their support for the Committee to serve as the central high-level monitoring mechanism for an effective aid delivery system in Darfur, members expressed their commitment to contributing to an improved operating environment for humanitarian workers in Darfur, in particular greater safety for humanitarian staff and access to vulnerable populations; the need for effective monitoring of programme delivery; and, the critical importance of building national Sudanese capacity in order to address the humanitarian and recovery needs of vulnerable populations sustainably.

Recognizing the urgent need to maintain an efficient aid operation in Darfur, HLC members agreed on the following:

Humanitarian action, including relief and early recovery programs, need to take place in a rules-based environment in the letter and spirit envisaged in the 2004 Moratorium and the 2007 Joint Communiqué, and as reaffirmed by the Ministerial Decrees issued on 16 April and 2 May 2009.

The HLC will be the primary forum enabling the GoNU and the international community to discuss policy and operational matters about humanitarian programs;

Operating environment: Participants agreed on ways in which the recent Ministerial Decrees III and IV will be applied, and agreed to do everything possible to ensure staff safety.

Monitoring mechanisms: Agreement was reached that, in addition to standard monitoring of programs by NGOs, International Organisations and UN agencies, monitoring should take place by joint GoNU, donor, UN, NGO teams before each HLC and that such joint teams provide an overview of needs and programs to address them, of staff safety, and of the operational environment.

National initiatives: Participants discussed their commitment to work closely with line ministries and national NGOs, and to elaborate a framework to build the capacities of both. Participants agreed on the need to make the aid operation more efficient and to enhance coordination.

The HLC will meet again in one month.