Sudan: Joint UNMIC-OCHA press release on death of ICRC humanitarian worker

United Nations Condemns Killing of Aid Worker in Darfur

Khartoum, 31st August - The United Nations strongly condemns the death of another humanitarian worker in the increasingly unstable region of Darfur in Sudan.

The death of an ICRC staff member, a driver who disappeared during a hijacking incident in North Darfur, brings the number of aid workers killed in the region this year to twelve, almost all in the last two months.

"We are greatly saddened by the death of another humanitarian worker in Darfur, and our thoughts are with his family and colleagues," said Manuel da Silva, the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Sudan and Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Development. "We are particularly distressed that aid workers are being attacked while carrying out their duties, bringing relief and help to the suffering in Darfur. This is completely unacceptable."

"The United Nations calls upon everyone in Darfur to recognize the neutrality of all humanitarian staff, and the vital work that they are doing, and to ensure their safety."

The United Nations salutes the bravery and commitment of all humanitarian staff working in the difficult and increasingly dangerous environment of Darfur.

For more information: Ms. Imogen Wall, OCHA Public Information Officer, Khartoum, +249-91230 6509,