Sudan: SAF and RSF clashes in Nyala, South Darfur - Flash Update No. 01 (21 August 2023) [EN/AR]



Renewed clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Nyala Town since 11 August 2023 are continuing to fuel displacement of the civilian population.

Up to 50,000 people have fled their homes in Nyala Town due to the fighting.

At least 60 people have been killed and 250 others injured due to the clashes.

Staff at the Turkish Hospital have been overwhelmed by the number of injured seeking assistance.

Trucks loaded with humanitarian supplies are unable to travel to Nyala Town due to the fighting.

Situation Overview

From 11 to 17 August 2023, renewed clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Nyala Town, the state capital of South Darfur State, have displaced thousands of people to other areas, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). Preliminary reports indicate that approximately 10,000 families – about 50,000 people – fled their homes in the Al-Mazad, Tayba, Seka Hadeed, Al-Jabal, Neil, Karrari, Musa and Texas neighbourhoods of Nyala Town to Hai Al-Jeer, Al-Nahda, As Salam, Derwa and Kangho neighbourhoods in the town; and to the As Salam, Al Serief, Otash and Kalma displacement camps in Beliel and Nyala Shimal localities in South Darfur. People have also fled to Tulus, Buram, As Salam and Damso localities in South Darfur, as well as to Shia'ria locality and Ad Du’ayn Town in East Darfur and Al Fasher Town in North Darfur. At least 60 people have been killed and 250 others injured during the fighting, according to IOM.

Staff at the Turkish Hospital – which is already understaffed – are reportedly struggling to cope with the influx of wounded people, and humanitarian partners on the ground report that medical supplies are running low.

Trucks loaded with nutrition, health, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) supplies destined for Nyala Town have remained in Ad Du'ayn Town, the capital of East Darfur, since 14 August due to the fighting, and planned distributions by UNICEF have been postponed. There are concerns that continued fighting will cause the already precarious humanitarian situation in the state to deteriorate and heighten the health, nutrition, sanitation and food security needs of the vulnerable. Meanwhile, some areas could become inaccessible if roads become impassable during the ongoing rainy season.

Gathering information from Nyala Town in recent days has been challenging, as communication towers have reportedly been damaged during the fighting, and the electricity and water systems in the town are no longer functioning.

Background Nyala Town is located in Nyala Janoub locality, South Darfur State. An estimated 401,000 people live in the locality, of whom about 95,000 needed humanitarian assistance even before the conflict, according to the 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO).