Sudan: Statement by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Sergio Vieira de Mello

I would like to welcome the announcement made yesterday by His Excellency President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir on his Government's decision to declare a comprehensive cease-fire in all the States of southern Sudan effective15 April upon the expiration of the current partial cease-fire. In his statement, President Al-Bashir affirmed that this decision was taken with the view to "preserving the lives, safety and property of the personnel of the United Nations Humanitarian Agencies and Organizations, and to enable them to carry out their activities of relief delivery to the affected population in the desired manner". I am encouraged by this positive development which comes at a time when those assisting populations affected by conflict situations are increasingly being targeted by warring parties around the world.
As the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Humanitarian Assistance for the Sudan, Ambassador Tom Vraalsen, is about to undertake a mission to the region, I hope that the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) will use this opportunity to reach an agreement with the Government of the Sudan on the comprehensive cease-fire throughout southern Sudan. A cessation of hostilities will allow the UN-led Operation Life-line Sudan (OLS) to maximize its present efforts to address the humanitarian needs of civilians affected by the ongoing civil war.

I call on the international community to contribute generously to the 1999 UN Inter-Agency Consolidated Appeal for the Sudan through which relief organizations aim at assisting some 2.3 million people in need.