Sudan: United Nations condemns killing of nurse in Darfur

Khartoum, 5th September - The United Nations strongly condemns the death of another humanitarian worker in the increasingly unstable region of Darfur in Sudan.
The victim, a nurse, was working with the International Rescue Committee. The health centre where the victim worked was also looted, along with a pharmacy and guesthouse also managed by IRC.

"It saddens us greatly that yet another aid worker has been killed in Darfur," said Manuel da Silva, the UN's Humanitarian Co-ordinator in Sudan. "We are also alarmed that an attack on a clinic has occurred. The targeting and looting of a humanitarian facility such as a medical centre is completely unacceptable. The neutrality and essential services provided by such facilities must be recognized by all."

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For more information: Ms. Imogen Wall, OCHA Public Information Officer, Khartoum, +249-91230 6509,