Sudan: US$ 283 million needed to support people affected by COVID-19 [EN/AR]


The United Nations and humanitarian partners, in support of the Transitional Government of Sudan, launched today an addendum to the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan to respond to increasing humanitarian needs in the country.

Khartoum, 19 July 2020. The Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Gwi-Yeop Son, today called on the international community to scale up its support to Sudan and help the country to address the most immediate and critical needs of millions of people affected by the health and humanitarian consequences of COVID-19. Over US$ 283 million is urgently needed to support the Government-led response and provide life-saving assistance to more than 6.7 million people across the country.

“COVID-19 arrived in Sudan at a time when an increasing part of the population was already struggling to meet their basic needs and the health system was already under extremely stress,” explained Ms. Son.

The pandemic has triggered a further economic slowdown amidst the ongoing economic crisis. This situation is affecting families’ purchasing capacity and the restrictions on movements is also impacting access to food, health care and basic services. “More than 9.6 million people, almost a quarter of the entire population of Sudan, are facing severe hunger, the highest figure ever recorded in Sudan,” said Tinago Chikoto, the Deputy Head of Office for OCHA in Sudan.

The COVID-19 addendum reflects an in-depth elaboration of the requirements for Sudan that are outlined in the United Nations Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID19, launched last week, and will enable humanitarians to provide food, water, sanitation, health, nutrition and protection services during the pandemic. It complements the Government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the most vulnerable. “Government and humanitarian partners are providing life-saving assistance to millions of people. Aid actors are providing the country with COVID-19 testing kits and other medical supplies. We trained over 1,600 health workers, distributed hygiene kits to nearly 500,000 people, and reached over 25 million people with campaigns to raise awareness and prevent transmissions. At least 2.8 million people were reached with food assistance in May alone,” explain Mr. Chikoto.

But more must be done, and the cost of inaction is too high. “Unless we act now, we should be prepared for a series of human tragedies, ” said Ms. Son. The humanitarian organizations in Sudan are ready to increase their operations. “We appeal to the international community to come together and to timely and generously support the people of Sudan,” finalized the Humanitarian Coordinator.


For further information and interview requests, please contact OCHA Sudan:
Saviano Abreu (English / Spanish / Portuguese): +249 912 174 454 | WhatsApp: +34 628 498 279 | Alimbek Tashtankulov (Arabic / English / Russian / Turkish): +249 912 160 361 | Sonia Khoudja (Arabic / French / English / German): +49 179 513 4013 |