Summary of HN sector policy paper for the first round allocation of the Common Humanitarian Fund for Sudan in 2008



Although finalisation of the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) for 2008 is on its way to completion, we would like to proceed with a Sectoral Policy Allocation paper in support of a forthcoming allocation process according to the standard Allocation Model and the CHF Policy allocation policy.

Based on preliminary indications from donors, it is hereby proposed that a notional figure of US$108 million be adopted while waiting for firm written pledges by donors who have already indicated their commitment to participate in the CHF in 2008.

The following paper outlines the key steps to be undertaken in completing the allocation of a notional US$108 million by 15 February 2008. This amount is in addition to a 10% emergency reserve that has already been (notionally) set aside.

It is proposed that CHF funding for this first round of allocations for 2008 is allocated to the planning regions based on the Humanitarian/Early Recovery funding requirements outlined in the 2008 Work Plan for Sudan. Allocations should support the overall Sector' priorities set out in the Work Plan with focus on the following key priorities:

- Meet most urgent humanitarian needs throughout Sudan.

- Support timely implementation of dry-season delivery, and preparedness for Rainy season

- Activities providing population with peace dividends hereunder support to the returns process and early re-integration activities (ERA).

- Ensure the delivery of the integrated PHC services including ANC, EPI, EWARS, and Nutrition services as TFC, SFC, and OTP for under served population and functioning referral system.

- Strengthen the emergency response capacity of the sector partner at the regional level (pre-positioning and deployment of trained staff, supplies, equipments, and drugs).

Note - In Darfur CHF funding shall focus on core humanitarian needs whereas funding of early recovery type activities shall be coordinated closely with other available funding mechanisms(1).

Table 2 combines Main and Targeted allocations and provides total assigned CHF funding by planning region.

Table 2 - 2008 CHF First Round Regional Allocation Envelopes - Total Allocations

Work Plan Planning Region
% Of CHF Total
CHF Allocation
Blue Nile
Eastern States
Khartoum and Other Northern States
National Programmes
Southern Kordofan
Southern Sudan


(1) Such as the Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF)