UN Sudan steps up relief operations in South Darfur

Khartoum, 21 June 2001 -- The United Nations in the Sudan is deeply concerned about the massive displacement of the civilian population from western Bahr El Ghazal. The UN is therefore coordinating its efforts and mobilising resources to facilitate relief assistance to thousands of civilians that continue to arrive in the South Darfur region from several directions.
The UN in the Sudan has positioned an adequate amount of relief supplies in Ed Daein, and more is on its way. WFP is distributing food to the affected population, while UNICEF has provided shelter materials, essential drugs and vaccines, safe water supply and other non-food items. UN-OCHA is playing a key role in the coordination and monitoring of the humanitarian response. UN agencies are currently mobilising funds to provide transportation for thousands of IDPs moving out of the war-affected areas. INGOs are also actively involved in assisting the UN agencies in deploying health personnel, providing relief supplies and technical assistance, establishing transit care centres and reuniting families separated by the conflict. The Government of Sudan is already providing assistance mainly through food distributions and transport arrangements.

As the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, the UN agencies are intensifying their efforts to contain the crisis and prevent loss of lives. The Emergency Response Team (ERT) in Khartoum is supporting the work of the Local Relief Committee (LRC) in Ed Daein. A high level delegation comprising representatives from the Government and the UN visited the area and witnessed the arrangements that have been made to respond to the crisis.

For further information, please contact:

Isabella Dougan, Information Officer, UN-OCHA, Khartoum, Tel: (249-11) 783757

Yaver Sayyed, Information and Reports Officer, WFP. Khartoum, Tel: (249-11) 475826

Nance Webber, Communications Officer, UNICEF, Khartoum (249-11) 471835