The United Kingdom contributes an additional US$10 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund for 2015 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 6 September 2015. The Government of the United Kingdom has contributed an additional US$10 million to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF). This is the UK’s second contribution for 2015, having previously allocated US$10.9 million in December 2014.

The Head of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Sudan, Joanna Reid, said: “Humanitarian needs in Sudan are great, yet there are significant shortfalls in funding to address these needs. This additional UK contribution will enable humanitarian agencies to continue to deliver life-saving humanitarian assistance, meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people.”

Some 5.4 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance across Sudan; however the response plan to address those humanitarian needs has only received 39 per cent of the funding required. DFID has been a committed donor to the CHF since its inception in 2006, and its latest contribution comes at a critical time. The CHF constitutes 8 per cent of the funding available to humanitarian partners, and plays a vital role in providing an effective, coordinated, prioritised and principled humanitarian response in Sudan.

“The CHF is a strategic funding tool that helps national and international non-governmental organizations respond to the most critical needs of the most vulnerable people in Sudan,” said Ms. Marta Ruedas, the Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan. “In light of the significant funding gaps this year, the United Kingdom’s second allocation is a testament to their commitment to the people of the Sudan and the humanitarian community alike.”

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that assists the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. In 2015, the Sudan CHF allocated funding to international and national NGOs and UN Agencies to enable them to deliver urgent and life-saving assistance to people in need.