The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development contributes GBP £7 million (US $10.9 million) to the Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund for 2015 [EN/AR]


Khartoum, 29 January 2015. The UK remains the largest donor to the Sudan CHF and has been a strong supporter since its inception in 2006, contributing over £300 million (US $525 million). UK funding to the CHF in 2014 ensured that over 35,000 children were treated for malnutrition and 91,500 internally displaced people were provided with agricultural supplies. The UK is the first donor to support the CHF in 2015; its valuable contribution comes at a critical time when humanitarian needs are set to increase as lean season approaches. In addition, given the limited availability of funding due to other humanitarian crises in the region, the UK’s latest contribution to the CHF is particularly vital in ensuring the continuity of life-saving projects.

The UK’s Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development, Baroness Northover, was visiting Khartoum this week, and stated, “The conflict in Darfur is one of Africa’s longest running, and increased fighting has driven even more people from their homes”. “Britain will not turn its back on families who are trapped in poverty by years of conflict. During my visit to Darfur this week. I saw first-hand how CHF funding is making a difference to the lives of people in need, helping them to access healthcare, nutrition and education. While this new funding from the UK is helping to meet basic needs, only lasting peace will allow people to build prosperous lives independent of aid.”

In 2015, the humanitarian community in Sudan will continue to ensure that people receive immediate life-saving assistance and protection. With conflict and instability preventing millions of people from returning home, humanitarian partners are working to develop more sustainable and cost-effective humanitarian interventions that put the interests of affected communities at the heart of their work.

“Early and predictable funding is essential in ensuring the continuity of humanitarian programs across Sudan,” said Ivo Freijsen, Head of the United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “Strategic allocation of DFID’s contribution through the Sudan CHF will help fill the most pressing sector gaps, address urgent humanitarian needs, and support coordinated humanitarian action across Sudan.”

The Sudan CHF is a multi-donor pooled fund that supports the timely allocation and disbursement of funds to Sudan’s most critical humanitarian needs. To date, the Sudan CHF has received and granted over one billion dollars to international, national NGOs, UN Agencies, Funds and Programs enabling them to implement life-saving projects. In 2014 the CHF allocated US $54.8 million.