Annex 5: Country-based Pooled Funds Review Committees Terms of Reference


Purpose and Role

1. Review Committees support the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) in the review and selection of project proposals recommended for funding. They are responsible for appraising the design of the proposals and identifying those that best suit the intent and delivery of the Allocation Strategy, based on criteria and any envelopes or indicative funding thresholds outlined in the Allocation Strategy. Review Committees should conduct efficient project reviews, minimizing transaction costs, while operating in a transparent and accountable manner.

2. Review Committees use scorecards3 to ensure a systematic and objective appraisal process, with elements for scoring and their respective weightings established prior to the review. Standard categories for review include: (i) strategic relevance, (ii) quality programming, (iii) cost effectiveness and (iv) monitoring. While the same categories apply across all allocations and scorecards, Review Committees can determine additional tools, subsidiary criteria, and questions to arrive at the actual scores assigned to any given proposal.

3. Review Committees are responsible for providing a documented justification for recommending proposals for funding, indicating for each proposal why it was recommended with reference to the Allocation Strategy, appraisal criteria and/or other factors, as applicable, and noting any required modifications or improvements to the design and/or the budget. The documented justification will be complied by the HFU and retained as a record of proceedings. Any required modifications or improvements will be addressed during the final technical and financial review of the proposal before the approval by the HC.

4. Review Committees are equally responsible for providing a documented justification for not recommending proposals for funding, indicating for each proposal why it was not recommended with reference to the Allocation Strategy, appraisal criteria and/or other factors, as applicable. The documented justification will be compiled by the HFU and retained as a record of proceedings.

5. Following the review, the HFU consolidates recommendations, validates them for coherence with the Allocation Strategy and any relevant parameters, and then submits to the HC a list of projects to be recommended and not recommended for funding. Through the GMS each partner receives a notification about the outcome of the review process, including an explanation of the recommendation. The AB may be provided with a summarized overview of the indicative portfolio.