CERF gives $6 million to UN agencies in Syria


20 September 2012: Conditions in Syria continue to deteriorate as the civil unrest spreads and deepens. Some 2.5 million people now need humanitarian assistance, according to United Nations estimates. Civilians, including children and women, bear the brunt of the violence. Nearly 1 million people have fled their homes and are staying with host families or in informal settlements, such as schools, university dormitories and public buildings.

Homes, health clinics, schools and hospitals have been destroyed in the conflict. As the violence continues to spread to new areas, it is becoming increasingly difficult for families to evacuate and find refuge.

Large numbers of rural Syrians have lost their farming businesses and livestock due to the ongoing crisis. Rising food prices, high transportation costs and movement restrictions due to insecurity have negatively affected agricultural production. Migrants from drought-affected areas in the north-east have returned to their places of origin due to the shortage of work opportunities, though their assets and savings have been consumed.

In response to humanitarian funding appeals, the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) gave US$5,978,090 to three United Nations agencies and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Syria. To date, CERF has given UN agencies and IOM in Syria more than $29 million in 2012.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) received $2 million to strengthen the resilience of conflict-affected Palestinian refugees in Syria by providing food and non-food items, including mattresses, bedding, cooking sets, jerry cans and hygiene items, over three months. Nearly 42,000 people will benefit.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) received $2 million to help deliver livelihoods assistance to poor farmers and herders. Funds will be used for affected families in Idelb, Homs, Hama and Daraá Provinces and benefit more than 75,000 people.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) received nearly $1 million to provide non-food assistance for 16,000 displaced people. IOM received $957,575 to provide humanitarian aid and evacuation support for more than 14,000 vulnerable migrant workers and internally displaced people.