Donors pledge $2.4 billion for Syrians in need


(Kuwait City, 15 January 2014): International donors today in Kuwait pledged more than $2.4 billion to support aid organizations’ response to the massive humanitarian needs generated by the crisis in Syria.

“These pledges prove that the people devastated by this conflict are not forgotten,” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. “It is also sending a strong signal to the neighbouring countries – that we appreciate their generosity, and that they will not be left to shoulder the burden alone.”

The Secretary-General thanked all participants, particularly the Emir of Kuwait, for hosting and for his generous contribution of $500 million. He called on all concerned to do "even more to ensure that Syria and its people receive the support they need as we work for a more peaceful and stable future for the country and region."

Thirty-nine countries pledged to help alleviate the suffering of 9.3 million women, children and men in need in Syria and 2.3 million refugees who have sought protection in neighbouring countries – a number that is expected to rise if the conflict continues unabated.

“Syria is the biggest humanitarian crisis we face today,” said Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos, who recently visited displaced families in Syria. “Every child, every woman, every man affected by this crisis deserves our continued support.”

“This conflict has not only caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in decades, but it is also the biggest threat to global peace and security the world has seen in a long time,” said High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres. “For the international community, responding to the needs we have presented here today is therefore more than a question of generosity. It is, in fact, a matter of enlightened self-interest.”

The UN’s strategies for Syria and neighbouring countries in 2014 aim to provide life-saving food supplies, water, shelter, medicines, health services, and support for livelihoods. The appeals request $6.5 billion and the pledging conference hosted by Kuwait is a step towards reaching that target.

Last year, UN appeals for the Syrian crisis amounted to $4.4 billion and were funded at almost 70 per cent at the end of the year.

With these funds, relief agencies increased delivery of food aid from 900,000 to 3.8 million people inside Syria and more than ten million people were given access to safe drinking water. Partners in the health sector treated 3.6 million people, and nearly 38,000 survivors of gender-based violence received psycho-social support. Thousands of Palestine refugee families have been reached with life-saving assistance.

During 2013, the number of registered Syrian refugees rose from 500,000 to more than 2.3 million. As refugees fled Syria at a rate of 127,000 people a month, the number of formal refugee camps doubled. More than 196,000 tents and 809,000 plastic tarpaulins - equivalent to over 21 square kilometers of shelter material - were distributed to Syrians in camps and informal sites.