Joint Statement by Muhannad Hadi, Regional HC for the Syria Crisis, Ayman Gharaibeh, Director of the UNHCR MENA Bureau, and Sudipto Mukerjee, UN Resident and HC in Syria a.i. on the escalation of hostilities in north-west Syria [EN/AR]


Amman and Damascus, 6 November 2022

We are deeply concerned by today’s escalation of hostilities in Idleb in north-west Syria. Shelling, airstrikes and clashes have been reported this morning in the vicinity of Idleb City, causing fires and destroying the tents and homes of hundreds of displaced families in three camps supported by humanitarian organizations.

Reports indicate at least nine civilians killed, including four children, the youngest being only four months old. At least 75 additional civilians are reportedly injured. At least 400 families have reportedly been newly displaced. We pass our deepest condolences to the families of those affected.

Once again it is civilians who suffer the tragic consequences of continuing hostilities. Across north-west Syria, there are 4.1 million people who depend on humanitarian assistance to meet their most basic needs, the majority women and children. Since the beginning of this year alone, the UN has documented the deaths of at least 121 civilians and 210 others injured due to hostilities in the area.

The UN implores all parties to act with restraint, and to prioritize measures safeguarding the safety and security of civilians and civilian infrastructure. All parties are reminded to comply with the principle of distinction and the principle of precaution, in particular as a result of the use of highly explosive weapons in densely populated areas. These incidents must be investigated without delay.

It is imperative that the girls, boys, women and men of Syria are able to lead a life free from the fear of violence and destruction.

For further information:

Olga Cherevko, Spokesperson, OCHA Syria, Damascus,
Madevi Sun-Suon, Public Information Officer, OCHA Türkiye, Gaziantep,