Media Advisory: UN Humanitarian Chief Mark Lowcock to visit Syria [EN/AR]


WHO: Mark Lowcock, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator

WHAT: Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic

WHEN: 9-12 January 2018

WHERE: Damascus, field locations

UN humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock is scheduled to visit Syria from 9-12 January 2018 to meet with representative of the Government of Syria, see for himself the impact of Syria’s conflict on civilians, assess the humanitarian response and discuss how to improve access and delivery with key stakeholders. This is Mr. Lowcock’s first mission to Syria as Emergency Relief Coordinator and USG for Humanitarian Affairs.

With the seventh winter of the conflict underway, more than 13 million people need basic aid and protection. They face daily deprivation and brutality. Some 69 per cent of the population is estimated to be living in extreme poverty and millions are in need of protection in addition to food, clean water, shelter and other emergency aid. While some parts of Syria are witnessing a welcome reprieve from hostilities, many others face intensified military operations and conflict.

In Damascus, Mr. Lowcock is expected to meet Government officials, humanitarian agencies and partners, and other key stakeholders. In Homs, he will meet with people who have suffered first hand from the effects of the crisis, and need life-saving assistance.

For further information, including on press encounters during the mission, please contact:
Linda Tom, OCHA Public Information Officer, Tel: +963 953 300 095
Ghalia Seifo, OCHA Public Information Officer, Tel: +963 953 300 078
Russell Geekie, New York, Spokesperson/Chief of Media Relations Section,, Tel: +1 917 331 0393