Statement by Ali Al-Za’tari, the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the Syrian Arab Republic on Idlib [EN/AR]


The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, Mr. Ali Al-Za’tari welcomes the opportunity presented by the Russian-Turkish agreement on Idlib which will “allow for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and for the saving of civilian lives”.

“The United Nations in Syria is ready to provide much needed humanitarian assistance in Idlib and all surrounding areas,” said Al-Za’tari.

Al-Za’tari recalls that the UN in Syria is guided by the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence.

For more information, please contact:

Fadwa AbedRabou Baroud, Communication Specialist, office of the RC/HC,, +963 996 666 134

Dr. Khaled Al Masri, Media Analyst, office of the RC/HC, Damascus,, Tel: +963 991 206 555