Statement by Ali Al-Za’tari, the UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria on attack on Syrian Arab Red Crescent distribution center in Aleppo city, Syria, Damascus, 9 February 2017 [EN/AR]


The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria condemns the heinous attack on a Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) distribution center in the Hamadaniyah neighborhood of Aleppo city yesterday which resulted in the death of two SARC workers and injury of four SARC volunteers, two of whom remain in critical condition. In addition, two women who had come to the center to receive humanitarian assistance were killed and many others were injured. This is the second attack on SARC this month following the 1 February attack on the building where the SARC branch in Idleb is based. In a separate incident, an aerial attack on Idleb yesterday resulted in the death of many civilians, among them a married couple who are both SARC staff members and their two daughters.

“We are horrified by yet another attack on aid workers and civilians in Syria. We offer our deepest condolences to SARC and the families of those killed and injured," said Ali Al-Za’tari, the UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria. “We stand in solidarity with SARC staff who risk their lives on a daily basis in their continuing effort to reach people in need of assistance,” he added.

Humanitarian workers have not been spared the effects of the ongoing crisis. There are scores of staff and volunteers from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the UN, international and national NGOs, in addition to doctors and medical workers who have lost their lives in the line of their heroic duty. “Parties to the conflict must make every effort to protect civilians, and humanitarian workers and humanitarian offices. All civilians must be protected, all must enjoy peace, all must live in secure environments and all must be guaranteed a bright future for themselves and their children.” said Al-Za’tari.

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