Statement by Ali Al-Za’tari, the UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria on attack on a joint UN/SARC/ICRC convoy [EN/AR]


The UN in Syria strongly condemns an attack on a joint UN/SARC/ICRC convoy of 36 trucks which attempted to deliver humanitarian assistance to people in need in East Harasta today. Two Syrian Arab Red Crescent drivers were injured by shooting that occurred as the convoy was exiting the area on its way to Damascus, and are currently receiving medical treatment. The UN in Syria wishes them a speedy recovery and stands in full solidarity with SARC. Attacks on humanitarian aid workers violate international humanitarian law and compromise the humanitarian community's ability to provide the essential assistance to people who so desperately need it. The UN and its partners will return to East Harasta to complete this humanitarian mission and hopes that the humanitarian team will be given the required assurances of safety.