Statement attributed to Ali Al-Za’tari, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, on the catastrophic situation for people from East Ghouta and Afrin, 19 March 2018 [EN/AR]


Damascus, 19 March 2018

The UN in Syria is urgently appealing for help to stem the catastrophic situation for tens of thousands of people from East Ghouta and Afrin. Having seen firsthand the desperate conditions of people from east Ghouta and Afrin, who are tired, hungry, traumatized and afraid, we need to provide them with urgent aid.
These civilians are facing harrowing humanitarian conditions. Many remain trapped by conflict inside East Ghouta and Afrin. All are in desperate need.

The UN and its partners, notably through the tireless efforts of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, are fully mobilized to deliver aid on the spot. We appeal to Member States to provide much needed supplies and funding. We appeal to all parties to facilitate access to all people in need; and to protect civilians, medical workers, service providers and humanitarian workers.