Statement on Syria Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos


(New York, 15 March 2012) As intense fighting continues in Syria, and people are caught up in the violence, it is increasingly vital that humanitarian organizations have unhindered access to identify urgent needs and provide emergency care and basic supplies. There is no time to waste.

Last week the Government of Syria said that they needed more time to consider my proposals. The Syrian authorities have now informed me that a Government-led mission will visit the governorates of Homs, Hama, Tartous, Lattakia, Aleppo, Dayr Az Zor, Rural Damascus and Dara’a, starting this weekend.

A number of United Nations and Organization of Islamic Cooperation technical staff will accompany the mission and take the opportunity to gather information on the overall humanitarian situation and observe first-hand the conditions in various towns and cities.

I repeat my calls to the Government of Syria to allow humanitarian organizations unhindered access, so that they can help people in need, in a neutral and impartial manner.