Statement by the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria ad interim, Mr Sudipto Mukerjee, on the militarization of Ebreha water plant, Deir-ez-Zor Governorate [EN/AR]


Damascus, 1 December 2023 – I am deeply alarmed over the current militarization of a water facility in Ebreha town, Deir-ez-Zor Governorate.

Ebreha water station is a raw water plant, which supplies water to the Al-Busaira main water treatment station. Access to the Ebreha facility has been severely restricted since 23 November due to the facility reportedly being used as a military outpost during nighttime hours. The military use of the Ebreha water station prevents workers from operating or repairing it, in turn depriving at least 45,000 people in the area of a safe drinking water source. Deir-ez-Zor Governorate has been experiencing a sharp rise in hostilities for several months. The violence has claimed multiple lives and displaced over 25,000 people.

In addition, both Ebreha raw water plant and Busaira water treatment plant need extensive maintenance and rehabilitation to be fully functional and operational, and the water is safe for drinking. This will require full, unfettered access to both plants by technicians.

I call on all parties to take all feasible precautions to protect civilian objects against attacks in accordance with International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. This includes not using civilian objects for military purposes. Depriving vulnerable people of a safe water source endangers their wellbeing, and further exacerbates a cholera outbreak and the spread of water-borne diseases.

The humanitarian community continues to prioritize emergency assistance on the ground to ensure the population has access to a safe drinking water source.

I remind all parties that human rights law requires refraining from any activity that interferes with the enjoyment of the right to water.