UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Imran Riza, & Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Kevin Kennedy – Joint Statement condemning interference in Syrian Arab Red Crescent humanitarian work in Idleb [EN/AR]


Damascus and Amman, 15 March 2020

The United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Mr. Imran Riza, and United Nations Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Mr. Kevin Kennedy, strongly condemn the interference of non-state armed group individuals in the work of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in Idleb Governorate, Syria.

On Saturday 14 March, SARC offices in Idleb city and Ariha were occupied by armed individuals; SARC personnel were detained and harassed; and SARC-owned items were stolen and destroyed. This was an unacceptable violation of the respect and protection of humanitarian relief personnel and objects as provided under International Humanitarian Law.

Such interference also jeopardizes the provision of humanitarian relief to many innocent civilians in northwest Syria. Hundreds of thousands are in desperate need and lives are at stake. The UN calls upon all parties to respect their obligations under International Humanitarian Law, including taking all measures necessary to facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of impartial humanitarian assistance.