Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos statement on killing of Syrian Arab Red Crescent Secretary-General

(New York/Davos, 26 January 2012) I am deeply shocked by the killing yesterday of Dr Abd-al-Razzaq Jbeiro, the Secretary-General of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. On behalf of the humanitarian community, I extend my sincere condolences to the family of Dr. Jbeiro and to his colleagues in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.

Dr. Jbeiro was killed as he travelled in a vehicle clearly marked with the Red Crescent emblem. This serves to remind us of the dangers faced by humanitarian workers in Syria and in other crisis situations. All humanitarians work on the basis of strict impartiality and neutrality. We want to save lives and protect the vulnerable. These principles must be respected.