United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, Imran Riza, and Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Muhannad Hadi – Joint Statement on the Deteriorating Security at Al Hol Camp [EN/AR]


The United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Mr. Imran Riza, and the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, Mr. Muhannad Hadi, express their serious concern over the deteriorating security conditions at Al Hol camp, in north-east Syria.

Between 1 and 16 January, the UN received reports of the murders of 12 Syrian and Iraqi camp residents, including one female Iraqi refugee. Another person was critically injured in a violent attack. The disturbing events indicate an increasingly untenable security environment at Al Hol.

With almost 62,000 residents, Al Hol is the largest camp for refugees and internally displaced people in Syria. More than 80 per cent of the population – who fled to the camp seeking protection and humanitarian assistance – are women and children.

The recent rise in violence among the camp population not only represents a tragic loss of life, it also jeopardizes the ability for the UN and humanitarian partners to continue to safely deliver critical humanitarian assistance and services to residents. The UN and humanitarian partners provide a range of assistance to Al Hol, including emergency and primary health care; water; shelter; non-food items, food and hygiene distributions; nutrition; and protection.

Mr. Riza and Mr. Hadi emphasize that the safety and wellbeing of people at Al Hol is of the utmost importance and urge all relevant parties to ensure the protection of camp residents and humanitarian workers alike. They also underscore the urgent need for durable solutions to be found for every person living in the camp, noting that such solutions must be informed, voluntary, and dignified.