United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, Imran Riza, Statement on the killing of a student, Deir ez-Zor [EN/AR]


Damascus, 10 June 2022

The United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, Mr. Imran Riza, expresses his grief over the tragic death of one student and injuries of two others who were on their way back to rural Deir ez-Zor after taking the national exams.
These children were among thousands of students who showed exceptional resolve and determination to cross lines of control in pursuit of education.

On 9 June, the three 9 th grade students from Shnan village in rural Deir ez-Zor were on their way home when they were hit by indiscriminate gun fire, resulting in the death of one and injuries to the other two. This tragic incident is a stark reminder that the security situation in parts of Syria remains unpredictable, and civilians continue to be affected.

Ensuring that children have the right to learn in safety is the responsibility of all and all parties must ensure that children are protected. The UN in Syria sends sincere condolences to the family, friends and fellow pupils of the victims.

The UN and partners are supporting thousands of students who have traveled across lines of control for the national exams that started on 29 May. In Deir ez-Zor, 149 students are being hosted in two accommodation centres. In addition, the humanitarian partners are assisting more than 12,500 students with transportation on the days of their examinations in Ar-Raqqa, and 179 for Idleb. According to the Ministry of Education and the Education sector only about 7,821 out of 14,995 registered students reached the 55 student centres supported by humanitarian partners. Humanitarian organisations are providing the students with multisectoral assistance required at both the accommodation and examination centers.

The UN and humanitarian organisations remain committed to supporting the students currently taking their exams and call on all parties to protect the children’s freedom of movement. This incident must be investigated without delay and those responsible be held accountable. Ensuring safety of the children is imperative for the good of all Syrians. These children deserve a chance at a better future.

For further information: Olga Cherevko, Spokesperson, OCHA Syria, Damascus, cherevko@un.org