CERF allocated $941,000 to aid 3 million children affected by a polio outbreak in Tajikistan

30 June 2010: The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have received $840,000 and $101,000 respectively for emergency polio immunization, treatment, and surveillance for close to 3 million children under the age of 15.

On 21 April 2010, seven cases of the wild poliovirus were confirmed in Tajikistan, and by 14 June, 616 acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases, mostly in the south-western districts and the capital Dushanbe, have been reported with 239 cases were confirmed as polio, with eleven polio related deaths.

The WHO European Region was certified polio-free in 2002, and this is the first recorded importation and outbreak since 2002. As recommended by the WHO European Regional Office, the Ministry of Health is conducting four rounds of National Immunisation Days against poliomyelitis. During the first two rounds, 4-8 May 2010 and 18-22 May 2010, an estimated 1.1 million children aged 0-6 years were immunised against polio. The two subsequent immunisation rounds will cover an estimated 2.98 million children aged 0-15 years due to occurrence of confirmed polio cases in older age groups - 6-14 years (15%). The Ministry appealed to international partners, including WHO and UNICEF requesting support in planning and conducting the campaign, provision of vaccine, in-country logistics and operational and social mobilisation of the targeted population.

Although neighbouring Uzbekistan remains polio-free, disease outbreak is extremely concerning and requires continued attention. A similar CERF allocation was made there in late June. The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan acknowledged possible circulation of the wild virus in the south of the country, even though no cases are identified so far. The number of AFP cases has also increased, particularly in provinces bordering Tajikistan.