REACT Bulletin - October 2014


Partners approve updated REACT Statement of Common Understanding

REACT partners began a review of REACT Statement of Common Understanding in March 2013. The review continued June 2014 using a participatory approach, including a REACT Review Working Group, questionnaires, workshops, and consultation meetings. A revised Statement based on the review was submitted to REACT partners for approval. In early September 2014. A majority of REACT partners needed to accept the revised Statement for it to replace the then-current Statement. By end of the voting period (24 September 2014) 20 of 37 REACT partners voted to accept the revised Statement and this revision became the official Statement for REACT. The results of the vote were sent to REACT partners by the Secretariat 26 September 2014.

REACT Secretariat is working with partners and the Co-chairs to revise the annexes to the Statement and facilitate REACT activities as set out in the new Statement.

REACT Statement is a guiding document of REACT members to coordinate their efforts of risk assessment, reduction, preparedness, response and recovery in Tajikistan. The current version can be found at: