United Nations seeks $34.6 million for humanitarian assistance to Tajikistan

4 March 1998

Press Release


NEW YORK, 4 March (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) -- The United Nations today appealed for $34.6 million to meet urgent humanitarian needs in Tajikistan over the calendar year 1998.

The United Nations consolidated inter-agency appeal for Tajikistan has been prepared against the backdrop of a precarious humanitarian situation, and is based on assessments and data from the World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Health Organization (WHO) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. A number of non-governmental organizations active in Tajikistan are also participating in this appeal -- the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Cooperation for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) International, German Agro Action, Medical Emergency Relief International, Médecins sans Frontières- Holland (MSF-H), Orphans Refugee and Aid International, Pharmaciens sans Frontières (PSF) and Relief International.

The appeal seeks to widen humanitarian programmes, which will be carried out in tandem with structural and economic reform, in order to establish conditions supportive of peace and reconciliation. Current conditions are grim: 16 per cent of the population are food insecure; the incidence of typhoid and malaria has increased; there is limited access to potable water; and thousands of families are without homes and require emergency shelter, heating and clothing. The outstanding needs of the most vulnerable groups will be addressed in the areas of food aid and food security, agriculture, health, water and sanitation, education, income generation, and information management and coordination.

The appeal is one element in a three-pronged strategy of assistance to Tajikistan by the international community. At the International Donor Conference in Support of Peace and Reconciliation in Tajikistan, held in Vienna from 24 to 25 November 1997, participants pledged support for the implementation of the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord, signed on 27 June 1997 in Moscow, as well as for humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development.

It is hoped that the international community will respond generously to this appeal for assistance to Tajikistan.