Update on the Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in East Timor, 15 Sep 1999

Advocacy & External Relations Unit
Tel.: 1-212-963-4832/2380; Fax: 1-212-963-1312
Humanitarian situation:

OCHA has received reports of attacks on Internally Displaced Persons at two camps in Ermera and Bobomaro. Attacks have also reportedly taken place against pockets of IDPs in Viqueque and Vernasse in East Timor.

UNHCR has received reports of pro-independence and pro-integration IDPs being separated upon arrival in West Timor. They have also received reports of continued forced displacement to West Timor and the islands of Wetar and Alor.

A mission including representatives of the Governments of Indonesia, Norway, Canada and the European Union visited displaced persons yesterday in Kupang, West Timor. Relief agencies estimate that there are over 100,000 IDPs in Kupang.

Humanitarian response:

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP):

Using the new "snow-drop" technology, WFP is ready to delivery of high-energy biscuits to address needs until access is possible.

WFP has deployed a Senior Emergency Officer and a Logistics Officer to Darwin, Australia.

Continues efforts to assess conditions of IDPs in camps throughout West Timor.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):

Is prepositioning in Darwin emergency non-food items such as water containers, cooking pots, plastic sheets and soap for 100,000 people;

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA):

The Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. is traveling tomorrow to Darwin to establish coordination arrangements for UN agencies, NGOs and other organizations ready to provide humanitarian assistance to populations affected by the East Timor crisis.

UN agencies and NGOs stationed in Jakarta Indonesia are preparing a joint Humanitarian Action Plan that will cover emergency requirements for the first 30 days after deployment to East and West Timor.

For further information please contact Rosa Malango, Public Information & Affairs Officer, OCHA at 212-9632380