Update on the Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in East Timor, 16 Sep 1999

Advocacy & External Relations Unit
Tel.: 1-212-963-4832/2380; Fax: 1-212-963-1312
Humanitarian situation:

UN humanitarian agencies currently in Darwin, Australia, are finalizing preparations to deploy to Dili over the weekend. Humanitarian operations may begin as early as next Tuesday 28 September 1999.

A donor mission led by the United States including representatives of Philippines Thailand and Swedish missions to the United Nations is scheduled to travel from New York to Jakarta tomorrow. The mission plans to visit West Timor, Darwin and East Timor.

Humanitarian response:

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP):

The Government of Indonesia has just given clearance for humanitarian "snow-drops". The first delivery of much needed aid could thus take place in the next 24 hours.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA):

The Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. is in to Darwin finalizing preparations to relocate to Dili along with the second batch of troops from the Multi-national Force over the weekend.

A joint OCHA/ICRC mission is scheduled to travel to from Dili to Dare during the next two days to deliver relief supplies to IDPs concentrated at a camp. A humanitarian official first visited the camp yesterday. The ICRC is providing the supplies including food and non-food items.

For further information please contact Rosa Malango, Public Information & Affairs Officer, OCHA at 212-9632380