Visit by UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos to Turkey


WHO: UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos
WHAT: Mission to Turkey
WHEN: 18-20 October 2014
WHERE: Gaziantep, Ankara

UN Humanitarian Chief Valerie Amos will visit Turkey from 18-20 October 2014.

The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator is expected to meet senior Turkish officials, local authorities, humanitarian partners and people who have fled violence in Syria.

The visit will focus on how the United Nations and partners can support the Government of Turkey in providing assistance to the thousands of refugees.

Approximately, 170,000 civilians have fled from Ayn al-Arab into Turkey and almost eleven million people within Syria are in need of assistance. As the conflict continues and with winter approaching, humanitarian agencies and local partners are stepping up efforts to help them.

For further details and to set up interviews with USG Amos, please contact Josephine Guerrero at +963 968 888 389 or +90 534 597 63 39 or

For further information, please call:
Amanda Pitt, OCHA New York,, +1 917 442 1810, +1 212 963 4129
Josephine Guerrero, OCHA Syria,, +90 534 597 6339
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