Humanitarian Action, Recovery, and Development in Southern Sudan Weekly Bulletin - 16 to 22 Apr 2007


- First light vehicle convoy to travel overland in two decades departs from Khartoum on 20 April for Juba

- To date over 12,000 individuals benefit from organised returns for internally displaced persons

- Spontaneous returns from Kenya to Sudan in 2006-2007 estimated at over 11,000

- Mine action route surveys classify more areas as 'safe to drive'

Ugandan women's coalition travels to Juba for the re-commencement of LRA peace talks

Focus on stability and security

United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Margareta Wahlström, in a statement on 17 April, confirmed that the humanitarian situation in northern Uganda and parts of Southern Sudan have improved significantly in the past year with people returning to their homes and re-establishing their livelihoods. A renewed commitment to the Cessation of Hostilities, as well as the resumption of peace talks and the assembly of LRA forces at Ri-Kwangba in Southern Sudan were the announced outcomes of the 13 to 14 April meeting between the Government of Uganda and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), chaired by United Nations Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Joaquim Chissano. Ms Wahlström highlighted the need for a conclusion of a final peace accord between the parties as necessary to sustain and promote further progress on the humanitarian front. Over the past two decades, the conflict between the Government of Uganda and the LRA has resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and the displacement of two million people.

Population census

- The Pilot Census of the Sudan 5th Population Census which commenced on 15 April continues and will end on 30 April. The objectives of the pilot census are to: test questionnaires (Response and Time); logistical requirements and cost; efficiency of supervisors and enumerators and scanning Methodology.

- All enumeration tools will be tested in the pilot census (Household listing forms, long and short questionnaires). The pilot census will identify gaps and provide recommendations for the successful implementation of the main census which will take place on 15-30 November, 2007

Population movements and returns

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) (1)

- The organised movement of IDPs continues including (figures for reporting period in brackets): South Darfur to Northern Bahr el Ghazal (1,150); Wau to Warrap (728); Juba to Mundri (200)

- Over 12,000 individuals have been assisted through organised movements from Khartoum to the Transitional Areas and Southern Sudan since the operation began in February 2007. Most of the returnees (close to 6,000) have received assistance to return to Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

- To support returnees and host communities, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is preparing to drill 14 boreholes in Aweil East and Aweil North counties, as well as constructing a community water system in Rumaker town. World Health Organisation (WHO) is supporting health facilities to ensure that they are adequately equipped with essential medicine and equipment.

- An assessment conducted in Kiir Galama in Northern Bahr el Ghazal identified close to 1,000 stranded IDPs in need of transportation assistance. The UN and partners are working to provide emergency assistance, including medical screening, transportation and NFIs to the group. Movement has commenced with 772 individuals assisted to their final destination in Aweil North County.

Refugees (2)

- This week (15-21 April), UN and Partners assisted 3,215 Sudanese returnees through repatriation efforts from Ethiopia (1,972); Kenya (70); Uganda (873); Democratic Republic of Congo (270) and Egypt (30).

- Of the 1,972 people returning via convoys from Ethiopia - 705 arrived by flight from Gambella, while a further 1,267 came by road through border points at Kurmuk - Blue Nile State (719) and Pagak - Upper Nile State (548).

- Additional to the organised returnees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has finalised a data verification exercise in Kakuma camp (Kenya) which allows them to estimate spontaneous returns from Kenya during 2006 and 2007. It is estimated that there were at least 5,666 spontaneous returns during 2006 and 6,011 spontaneous returns during January-March 2007 from Kenya to Sudan.

Needs and response by sector

Common Services and Coordination

- Under the leadership of the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre (UNJLC), the first light vehicle convoy to travel overland in some two decades left Khartoum on 20 April and is scheduled to arrive in Juba on 24 April. Comprising six vehicles in total with 12 persons, the convoy will also be conducting road assessments. It is anticipated that this convoy will continue in future during both rainy and dry seasons.


- With support from the Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has delivered school construction materials in Aweil town. This is in addition to the three schools for Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) that NRC will be building in Aweil North.

Food Security and Livelihoods

- On 16 April the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) provided equipment used for detection and sampling of viruses to the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries. Cold chain elements including a forty feet reefer and several refrigerators were also transferred to the Ministry.

Governance and Rule of Law

- Uganda Civil Society Women's Peace Coalition with support from United Nation Development Fund for women (UNIFEM) arrived to Juba for the LRA peace talks. The coalition seeks to ensure that the perspectives and rights of women and girls are fully taken into account as well as supporting their full participation as called for in UN Security Council Resolution 1325. They will also meet with women leaders in the Government of Southern Sudan.

Health and Nutrition


- The cumulative number of reported cases and deaths due to meningitis from 1 January to 22 April 2007 in Southern Sudan were 11,447 and 632 respectively. The case fatality rate (CFR) is 5.62%. The global downward trend observed in cases of meningitis continues and the situation is expected to improve with the advent of the rains.

- Meningitis vaccination campaigns have been undertaken in 5 counties with a total target population of 780,007. A total of 425,526 people were vaccinated resulting in 54.5% coverage rate. The relatively low coverage rate is explained by the over-estimated target populations in some areas.

- A mass campaign in Thiet in Tonj South targeting 70,000 people is planned.

Acute watery diarrhoea (AWD)

- AWD/Cholera is showing a declining trend. During the period 1 January - 22 April 2007, a cumulative number of 7471 cases and 339 deaths of AWD/cholera were reported from 24 counties in 8 states in South Sudan (CFR = 4.5%). During this reporting period, a total of 545 cases and 61 deaths were reported (CFR = 11.2%). Government, UN and Partners have continued to ensure that the case management is strengthened through provision of guidelines, training and supervision.


- Between 1 January - 22 April 2007 a total of 345 cases of measles with 22 deaths have been reported in 7 counties from 6 States. Between 9-15 April measles outbreaks were reported in areas of Bahr el Ghazal. WHO/MOH and other partners have planned a Mass Measles campaign in the first week of May. Immediate needs of the population have been addressed including ensuring availability of antibiotics for case management and Vitamin A supplements

- With United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) support, the Situational Analysis on Reproductive Health and Adult Sexual Reproductive Health for Southern Sudan has been completed.

Mine Action

- UN and Partners have completed the clearance of UXO stockpiles around Pibor; clearance of an anti-tank minefield in Nasir; survey and clearance of the route from Magwi-Pageri and the road from Limbe to Kaya River and clearance of the Mitre drains on Juba Yei Road. Parts of the Mile 40 area of the Juba - Yei Road were cleared along with bridge access on the Juba-Yei Road, and a borehole at Peremasuk.

Route survey of the roads from Pibor - Akobo, Rasolo - Maridi, Faraksika - Maridi, Maridi - Yambio, Lainya - Jambo, Limbe - Dimu - Logobero - Yei as well as a general survey assessment of Akobo Town and the Kaya area have been finalised. These routes and areas can now be classified as safe to drive or have identified dangerous areas cleared.


(1) Four types of organized IDP movements are planned for 2007 in Southern Sudan: (1) from northern Sudan to Southern Sudan; (2) from South Darfur to Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State; (3) from Wau County (Western Bahr el-Ghazal State) to Warrap State and possibly to Lakes State; and (4) from the Equatoria states to other locations in the Equatoria states and to Jonglei State.

(2) Organized repatriation of refugees in 2007 is due to happen mainly from five countries: CAR, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda

If you have inputs for the next edition, or questions and comments on this one, please contact:

Maurizio Giuliano, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Juba, Sudan, Email:, Telephone: +249-91-2179084

Melissa Phillips, Coordination and Information Officer, United Nations, Juba, Sudan, Email:, Telephone: +249-91-2501652