Humanitarian community to launch appeal for Uganda floods victims


Kampala, 19 September 2007 - The United Nations and non-governmental organizations, with the support of the Government of Uganda, will launch an appeal for funding to assist those affected by severe flooding in eastern and northern Uganda on Friday, 21 September 2007. The appeal will be launched by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Uganda, Mr. Theophane Nikyema, together with the Minister of Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Professor Tarsis Kabwegyere.

An estimated 50,000 households have been affected by the unusually heavy rains and associated flooding that have fallen eastern and northern Uganda since July. The rains have damaged homes, crops, water sources, sanitation facilities, health centres and school buildings. Key roads and bridges have also been damaged, limiting the affected population's access to critical humanitarian services.

A number of humanitarian agencies have already begun providing assistance, using their existing capacity and funding; however, in view of the continued rainfall and deteriorating situation, they are joining together to issue this call for additional resources to support their response. Priority needs include: relief food; shelter materials, blankets and warm clothing; water and sanitation facilities; health care assistance and preparedness; education; and livelihoods recovery; as well as access to the affected population. Urgent action in these areas is planned under the Flash Appeal to be launched Friday.

The appeal will be launched at:

VENUE: Soroti Hotel
TIME: 2:30 p.m.

For more information contact:

Kristen Knutson
Public Information and Donor Liaison Officer
UN OCHA Kampala

Lydia Mirembe Ssenyonjo
National Information Officer
(UN OCHA Kampala)