Statement attributable to the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator in Uganda, Mr. Theophane Nikyema

KAMPALA, 10 November 2006 - The United Nations in Uganda expresses grave concerns about the escalating violence and consequent loss of life, property and human dignity in Kotido District since October 29, 2006. The United Nations urges the restraint of all arms carriers in relation to the ongoing process of disarmament in order to avoid further escalation of insecurity and to minimize the impact on innocent civilians, especially on the lives of children and families.

An interagency assessment of the situation on the ground was conducted on Tuesday 7 November, 2006. Mission members were able to meet with local civilian and military authorities, affected community members, non-governmental organisations and religious leaders involved in responding to the situation.

The team observed evidence of significant loss of life and property, including food reserves, in villages within and surrounding the parish of Lopuyo. There continues to be displacement of more than 2,000 civilians from that community and within Kotido town itself, although some have begun returning home. The team received multiple allegations of serious human rights abuses committed on all sides that warrant further detailed investigation. The team was disturbed by the apparent lack of reconciliatory or confidence building initiatives being undertaken to avoid future such incidents.

The United Nations urges national and local authorities to undertake all measures required to protect the civilian population, including children and women. The United Nations further urges a review of the implementation of the disarmament process by the national authorities and the establishment of an adequate monitoring mechanism. The United Nations also appeals to Karamojong communities to refrain from violent responses to law and order efforts.

The United Nations, through its specialist agencies and partners, has already released food and non-food items to support civilians affected by the violence both in the villages and in Kotido town. In addition, work is underway to ensure adequate protection, access to heath services and water and sanitation facilities.