United Nations Relief agencies seek $70 million for emergency assistance to vulnerable populations in Uganda

Press Release
Disruption Caused by Fighting between Rebels and Government; Help Needed To Maintain Food Security, Essential Social Services

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 27 November (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) -- The United Nations today issued an appeal for $70.37 million to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations of Uganda. The appeal aims at increasing food security and ensuring the availability of basic health, water and psycho-social services to conflict- affected communities, and to the large number of people seeking refuge in towns and internally displaced camps as a result of continued insecurity.

Persistent fighting between rebel movements and the Government in the northern and western parts of the country has led to the disruption of essential social services and economic livelihoods, as well as significant population movements. At present, United Nations agencies and other humanitarian organizations are providing assistance to communities in conflict-affected areas and approximately 400,000 internally displaced persons. In addition, some 182,000 refugees from neighbouring countries, most of whom live in the North, also require assistance.

The response of the international community will be based on the common humanitarian action plan defined by the United Nations, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and donors, in close collaboration with the Government and outlined in the 1999 Consolidated Appeal. In this context, humanitarian organizations will focus on relief activities that address the immediate needs of affected populations and reinforce their "coping" mechanisms.

A generous and timely response to this Consolidated Appeal will enable United Nations agencies and their partners to provide urgent assistance in food, shelter, health, water and sanitation, among other essential community services. Copies of the appeal document may be requested from the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)/Complex Emergency Response Branch, by e-mail on: erlinda.umali@dha.unicc.org.

The 1999 Uganda Appeal is also available on OCHA's website: http://www.reliefweb.int/