2.9 million conflict-weary people will need assistance in 2022 [EN/RU/UK]


The United Nations Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, Ms. Osnat Lubrani, launches today the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan in a call to alleviate the suffering of 2.9 million conflict-weary people in eastern Ukraine. The Plan seeks US$190 million to provide humanitarian aid and protection to 1.8 million most vulnerable in 2022.

(Kramatorsk, 30 November 2021)

“For the tenth time, I have visited the conflict-affected areas of Donetska and Luhanska oblasts since the start of the pandemic. I have witnessed how the severity of people’s needs is gradually increasing due to sporadic spikes in hostilities, COVID-19 and its associated restrictions. By separating communities and severing people from services and social entitlements, the partial closure of the “contact line” has been devastating for millions and continues to exacerbate vulnerabilities of hundreds of thousands,” says Ms. Lubrani.

“The people I meet, their stories, the suffering are a testament to why our work matters. While a peaceful resolution regretfully remains an elusive dream and COVID-19 is unlikely to fade away in 2022, Ukrainians on both sides of the “contact line” need our support now. This is the seventh time that we are launching an appeal for support for people affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine,” Ms. Lubrani continued.

In 2022, 2.9 million people are estimated to need humanitarian assistance. The Humanitarian Response Plan – a strictly prioritized and comprehensive plan of action – lays out how humanitarian actors aim to assist 1.8 million of the most vulnerable people. The Plan encompasses different sectors, including education, food, health, protection, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene. It seeks to complement the efforts undertaken by the Government of Ukraine and support the handover of service delivery to local providers wherever possible.

“Have you ever lived without hope? Have you seen the world around you being destroyed? In every possible sense of it. When you do not know who you are and have no idea what you want to become? If you survive to become...”

“For the launch of the new Humanitarian Response Plan, we have prepared a short film that depicts the life of young people living surrounded by violence. The quote from this film reflects what so many affected people feel daily. The lack of hope. The fear. The desolation. They do not ask for support, but they desperately need it,” added Mr. Ignacio Leon Garcia, Head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine.

“I once again thank our donors for their generous support and trust. The contributions we receive are critical for us to do our life-saving work. We count on the continued support and encourage everyone to join us. Together we can make a difference and help revive hope,” Ms. Lubrani concluded.

Since 2014, the United Nations and humanitarian partners have been working in eastern Ukraine, providing relief and protection assistance worth more than $1.3 billion. Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors, humanitarian actors have reached over one million people on both sides of the “contact line” annually. The number of people who received assistance and protection services during the first nine months of 2021 is already more than 1.5 million – the highest level since 2017.


Useful links:
Links to the launch of the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (30 November 2021, 4:00-4:30 p.m., EET): English and Ukrainian.
Humanitarian Needs and Response Overview.

For further information, please contact:
Lizaveta Zhuk, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine: lizaveta.zhuk@un.org, tel. +380 50 344 16 94